just in case the idea of four generally sedentary knitting types suddenly taking the mad notion to run a marathon between them wasn't enough to convince you to donate, we thought we ought to sweeten the pot a bit - so we're collecting some pretty fabulous prizes for you lovely folk!!!
here's what to do to get a chance to win something great:
- go look here at the list of wonderful prizes to be won (& don't forget to keep checking back, as we'll be adding lots more excellent things to the list over the next few weeks!!)
- head on over to our JustGiving page, and make a donation. it doesn't matter whether your donation is large or small, just that you donate something. PLEASE NOTE that if you want to be included in the draw, you should NOT check the Gift Aid box!!!
- send us an email to teamfourply AT gmail DOT com with the subject line "i just donated!" and your name & country in the body of the email.
- feel really good that you've helped us to fundraise for the MS Society Scotland, and prepare to possibly laugh at our wheezingly slow marathon time.
- wait until after we've finished our marathon relay at the end of may & see if you win something!!!!
easy, right? so go donate now!!!
we're also looking for donations of prizes to add to the raffle, both small & large. maybe you run a crafty business & want to promote it by adding a prize to our raffle; maybe you just don't have any spare cash at the moment but have a special skein of yarn in your stash that you feel you could part with. email us at teamfourply AT gmail DOT com with a photo of what you'd like to add to the draw as well as some details about yourself & about the prize, and we'll add it to the list!! (PLEASE NOTE that you will be responsible for sending the prize you've donated to the person who wins it, which may involve international postage!)